Thursday, October 26, 2006

Digital Fun

It is half term and I am having a rare day off from work, and after a morally acceptable amount of house work - well minimum - I have set to and had some fun with one of my digital photos that I took on holiday.

This one looks like viewing the fern through a drop of water. I kept most of the border as I thought it looked better with the green to frame the image.

The second one I had fun with converting the colours to negative, applying a mystic effect then polarising the finished picture. I especially love the inky blue colours.

The final one after doing a few effects then I created a mirror image, which looks like one of those pictures that are made using blobs of colour on a piece of paper then folding it over - what do you see?


Clare said...

The middle one would look good printed out on a large canvas! The bottom image reminds me of a green man. Hope you enjoyed your day off work!

Digitalgran said...

Mary, you have excelled yourself here. Which proram are you using?

MaryB said...

Mags, Thanks for your encouraging comment - for these I mainly used Project Dogwaffle Professional

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting too! have been looking forward to it for the last month as i wasn't well last month and couldn't get there!

I'll be the blonde one with a black velvet coat and a patchwork bag.